A draught in your home can be annoying at best, making it difficult to keep warm. It can also play havoc with your heating bills and lead to an increase in fuel costs. The good news is, that if you do have draughty windows or doors, there are things you can do to improve them.
Draught-proofing windows
If you’re feeling a draught in your home, your windows should be the first place you check.
How to locate where a draught is coming from
Lighting a candle or a match and holding it to the window frame can help you identify where the draught is coming from; the areas where the flame moves are the areas where you have a draught.
What causes a draught and how to fix it
The draught is probably caused by a gap between the window and the frame. Over time, the window frame can become worn by repeat use and exposure to the elements. The seal around the glass can also get worn away over time by the weather and repeat use of cleaning fluids. There are a could of ways to repair the draught:
- Draught excluding foam strips. These are affordable and come in a range of sizes to suit your particular windows. Simply peel off the backing and stick down where the window meets the frame at the point where you’ve identified the draught. Just be sure to choose the right size: too small and the draught will still be an issue, too large and the window will crush the foam when closed or be unable to close properly.
- Brush strips. These are metal strips with an attached brush. They can be fixed so that the window closes against the brush, creating an insulating seal between the window and the frame. These are a little more expensive than the foam strips but they can be more effective, especially when used with sash style windows.
Draught-Proofing Doors
There are a number of places where an external door can be letting in a draught. Luckily, there are ways to overcome each of them.
- Keyholes. If your keyhole is an open one that goes straight through from the outside to the inside, you need to cover it. You can purchase simple keyhole covers with a movable disc that drops over the hole when not in use.
- Letterbox. A letterbox flap or brush will help to eliminate draughts. Just be sure to measure your letterbox first and purchase the right size cover.
- Gaps at the bottom or the edges. You can purchase similar brush strips to those used on windows. These will ensure your door sits flush against the floor and the door frame.
When to seek repair of your windows or doors
If your windows are newer than five years, they will likely still be covered by their warranty, in which case, you should seek repair from the company that fitted your windows or doors.If your windows are newer than five years, they will likely still be covered by their warranty, in which case, you should seek repair from the company that fitted your windows or doors.
Correctly installed windows should prevent draughts for years to come.
If, however, your windows and doors are older, you may wish to consider replacements. While the methods described above can positively impact your heating bills and keep your home warmer, newer windows are manufactured with the latest technology and will offer higher energy efficiency than the ones currently installed.
If you’re concerned about draughts in your home, speak to us today about window repairs or replacements.